Tuesday, July 28, 2015

WRTC WWQR 2015 Mixed Mode 15-Meter Band Award

World Radiosport Team Championship Worked WRTC Qualification Regions Award 2015
Class 1 Mixed Mode 15-Meter Band
Certificate #4 issued July 27, 2015, for working all 29 qualification regions

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

DARC-IARU Jubilee Award 2015 All Bands via CW

Jubilee Award 2015 commemorating the 90th anniversary of the International Amateur Radio Union and the
65th anniversity of the Deutscher Amateur Radio Club. Certificate #30 issued June 29, 2015,
for confirming CW QSOs with 3 designated DARC Special Event Stations on any of various bands.

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

DARC-IARU Jubilee Award 2015 All Bands via Mixed Modes

Jubilee Award 2015 commemorating the 90th anniversary of the International Amateur Radio Union and the
65th anniversity of the Deutscher Amateur Radio Club. Certificate #185 issued June 29, 2015,
for confirming mixed-mode QSOs with 3 designated DARC Special Event Stations on any of various bands.

URE ITU 150 Award Silver Certificate

Special Award Commemorating the 150th Anniversary of the International Telecommunications Union 
Silver Certificate issued by the Unión de Radioaficionados Españoles
for QSOs with 4 URE Special Event Stations, earning a US ranking of 2,061, and a world ranking of 19,320.

Thursday, July 2, 2015

WRTC WWQR 2015 CW All Bands Award

World Radiosport Team Championship Worked WRTC Qualification Regions Award 2015
Class 1 CW All Bands
Certificate #7 issued June 10, 2015, for working all 29 qualification regions

WRTC WWQR 2015 Mixed Mode All Bands Award

World Radiosport Team Championship Worked WRTC Qualification Regions Award 2015
Class 1 Mixed Mode All Bands
Certificate #33 issued June 10, 2015, for working all 29 qualification regions

DARC EU28A CW 20 Meter-Band Award

DARC Worked All 28 Members of the European Union CW Mode 20 Meter-Band Award
Certificate #3 issued June 15, 2015

XL3T Islington, Ontario CANADA 4 4 FN04jm

May 25, 2013; 3.5 MHz CW
May 26, 2013; 7.0 MHz CW
CQ WPX CW Contest QSOs

V31IZ Belize City BELIZE 7 11 EK57vm

June 30, 2012; 10 MHz CW

UT3WJ Frankivs’kyi District, Lviv, Lviv UKRAINE 16 29 KN19xt LV-05

May 24, 2013; 14 MHz CW

TM35CDXC Mèze, Hérault FRANCE 14 27 JN13tk

September 21, 2013; 3.5 MHz CW

SP6IXU Wrocław, Dolny Śląsk POLAND 15 28 JO81mc D

June 2, 2013; 21 MHz RTTY